Create Online Store

Create online store quickly and professionally. We offer complete ecommerce services for your web business. The online store creation service comes with the included basic SEO + 3 months of free administration.

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Creare magazin online

What does our online store creation service?

Whether you’re a novice in e-commerce or you already have an online store and want to get to the next level, differentiate yourself from competition or at least reach the same level, be confident that we will find the best solutions whatever your challenges are, because our goal for you is to complete as many transactions as possible. For that w will do our best to make your site easy to find and access by offering you special online store creation services. Whether you are selling plastic tableware, China shoes, Paraguayan furniture, church supplies, animal food or metal parts, we have inspired and effective solutions for any field of activity. You need to know that online stores are the most difficult to run and manage sites. It contains thousands or tens of thousands of products, which must be managed and highlighted with the utmost care. The products listed must always have the highest quality pictures and the information should be as readable and attractive as possible.

In conclusion, the online store creation service is not just a walk in the park. Regardless of the nature of your products, the site must meet universally valid criteria: be customizable, have binding functionality, and provide exceptional user experience. And the best solutions we can find after choosing together the defining parts such as be graphic identity, how to display, site menu, and so on. That is, after we propose a structure variant, you interfere with your input, we tell you what is and can not and at the end of the day, we draw together a conclusion on the next steps.But let’s first tell you what features we offer and with what benefits our online store creation services are.

creare magazin online

E-shop design responsive

It’s been over 7 years since online stores could only be accessed from your laptop or PC. Nowadays, if a site is not optimized for mobile and tablet, it does not have the same chances as one adapted for any type of device. Somehow it’s logical. Imagine you’re on vacation or away from your laptop. You saw a pair of wonderful shoes at a discount, the books you wanted to read from college or a super camera. You do not want to place the order on the spot? And do you see the confirmation mail as it was processed and delivery is done within a few days? What can be more useful for a user experience than a simple, secure, and fast acquisition? We want and can offer you this with the greatest pleasure and skill. You just have to use our online store creation services.

SEO optimization for your e-shop

As stores in major shopping centers display seasonal discounts or special promotions in showcases, you may want to give your customers unique opportunities. Therefore, you need online campaigns (from the banner to the newsletter) to support you. An e-shop can not exist without SEO campaigns that are included in the online store creation services we offer.We can help you with search engine indexing solutions, SEO optimization for promotions, graphic solutions to support proposed texts and so on. Because of Easter, Christmas, Summer, Spring, Carpet Day or Hiking Shoes, you will always be one step ahead of your competition.

Produse fara numar

No limit on the number of products

You have read well, there is no limit on the number of products you can list for sale on the e-shop we create, nor on the number of pages that can be included. Without affecting your upload speed (as is the case with online stores), you can create the categories or subcategories you need to make your offer as organized as possible. Do you know those clothes stores for women, men and children? And do you know how many subcategories each have? We do not have to, because our answer will always be the same: whatever you want! And this is one of the countless benefits that our online store creation service brings to you.

Products imported from the feed

Just as on Facebook you have news feed, there are product feeds at online stores. That is, the products you want to highlight, new or either at a discount. These must be imported quickly so that any visitor who enters your site can see them first and admire them at a click away. With us, you can generate an unlimited number of feeds every day, because they will update with the latest data available. I mean, if you have a 50% discount on shoes, it’s good to see the front page and the last price to reflect the cut.

Plasare comenzi rapide

Placing quick orders

There have been times when an online order was made after completing a long form as a day job. Now you can benefit from a new feature, a button called “Quick Order” that relieves you of extra effort. And that you can do it for as many orders as you like. Any visitor who enters your site inserts billing and delivery data once and then the shortcut button just requires a confirmation. I mean, one more click. Do you feel you are entering the new millennium? This is just the beginning of online store creation services!

Marketing in social media

Do you want your discounts to be known in the online environment? It is not enough that they only exist on the site. Good news needs to be spread in the social media, where your potential customers spend most of their time, according to the latest studies. For this, we need to link your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts to your e-shop. If you do not have them, no problem! We create them with an online store creation service as you say “social media”!
This way, you’ll be able to automatically share a product or another, the day’s offer, or multiple order promotions. From accounts on the site and so on. Basically, your potential customers will be bombarded with your store offerings, without realizing and without disturbing them. This means that your business benefits from professional tactics included in the online store creation service.

Social media marketing
Compara produse

Compare products

Did it happened to you to want a new phone and go to a site to compare it to other phones from different brands? Isn’t that an exciting about this option?
How about the visitors entering your online store can compare more products that you put at your disposal? Do you compare not only prices but also other features of your products? This can be resolved quickly once you provide information on breakdown criteria such as stock availability, included accessories, size, colour, and so on. Because when we say “create online store”, comparisons are implicit./p>

Newsletter integration

Do you want your loyal customers to be up to date with the latest offers in your store, with the latest products on sale or collections of the next season? Do you want to make your loyalty campaigns known and create engagement? Nothing more simple: you need to create a newsletter. This is the personalized link between you and your loyal audience, who must stay that way. You can send it to the number of clients you want. You say what, we say how much. Our online store creation service guarantees impeccable and prompt facilities like a Swiss watch.

Integrare newsletter
Implementare AWB


First, let’s explain us explain to you. AWB comes from Airway Bill and is the element that allows the identification of a placed order. This may be unexpected, in progress, or sent. With AWB, you can track the status of your order in real time (how many days to delivery, where the globe is located and so on). We help you send out any type of AWB for the major courier companies in your country.Once integrated with this intelligent service, both you and your customer will benefit from the transparency of the forwarding service, which gives you some peace of mind.

Online Billing Service

Today, the invoice issuing service is mandatory. More precisely, if you do not bill, it’s called you go into illegality and you do not want to have any problems. Moreover, all online stores have this service included, so it’s good to have it too. In order to differentiate yourself from the competition, you need to make it fast and the user to put as little effort into it. That is, to have a complete system that you can manage yourself and the user complete the data yourself in a few simple steps. Obviously, it is also included in the umbrella creation shop online store.

Sistem facturare online
Serviciu plati online

Online pay service

As with an invoice delivery service, online payment service is another vital component of an e-shop. Nowadays, your virtual store must offer payment options to users, such as traditional card payment or payback by sms or pay order. The more options you offer, the more happy customers you will have, because not everyone can pay by the same way. Online payments can save time and effort, so it would be a good idea for the services they offer to simplify the lives of those who appeal to them. That’s what we think about when we say “online store creation”.

Foreign Language or Multi-Language Service

Do you want your e-shop to be internationally accessible? Do you want your products so desirable to be a click away from other countries? Nothing easier! Add your language service to your online store! We translate your site in as many languages ​​as you want, as you say hello, bonjour, hola, ciao, guten tag and so on. As Pope John Paul II also said, “how many languages ​​do you know, how many times you are human.” . In this case, with as many translations as possible, more sales, in foreign currency. Because when we offer the online store creation service, we do it on everyone’s language!

Posibilitate adaugare limbi straine
servicii it de mentenanta

Maintenance service

You can’t handle it all by yourself, even you don’t have to. That’s exactly why we offer you a complete package of maintenance services included in the online store creation service so your business will not suffer as “the site does’t work” and “people can not order it”. Some aspects you will be able to manage on your own, in the administration panel, other, more complex, like coding and specialized technical support, we will solve them for you.

Your store’s blog

Any important e-shop, has a blog, to loyalty customers or to attract new customers with interesting and useful articles about the field you are reffering to. Whether you are selling top quality dentistry or shoes, the principle remains the same: it is good to offer not only products but also an inspiring lifestyle! The emotional connection with the user makes the difference between a small, occasional command and constant orders of respectable dimensions. Because when we offer you the “online store creation” service, we also include the blog.

blogul magazinului
Oferta catalog personalizata

Customized catalogue offer

Any serious e-shop has a personalized product catalogue featuring offers for specific periods of the year, such as Black Friday, winter, spring, seasonal discounts and so on. Diversity is the key to success in online marketing and clients have short memory. They do not have to follow the products with you to come to them with regular offers and give them the opportunity to add to the wishlist (list of things they want to buy, but I do not have money for the moment) certain items, to be subsequently notified when they are reduced.
Our online store creation service includes many amazing features and options you have not thought of before. You just have to tell us what you want and we tell you what you can get beyond expectations.

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